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The SUPERCOMP guidebook

How quickly will my various types of waste become compost?

Depending on the type of waste: The finer and softer they are in texture, the faster they become compost. Bone waste or thick branches take longer, but can also be composted. You can take out the first raw compost after just 6-8 weeks. Over time, the compost will become finer and finer.

Basically, the fertilizer is removed as required - or when it is full. SUPERCOMP is full - is removed. If you do not need the compost immediately, you can store it in the garden without any problems. Only due to the complete aeration of the SUPERCOMP This is also possible in the heap core.

Fresh compost in 2-3 months

Suitable for fertilizing lawns, soil surfaces and roots.

Fresh compost in 5 - 6 months

can be used in the garden or vegetable garden immediately before sowing/transplanting.

Mature compost in 10 - 12 months

can be brought into direct contact with seeds and roots.